Thursday, February 21, 2013

It Takes One Time To Lose Your Swagger

One can only tell what is going through the mind of
Jack Swagger in his mug shot.
Provided by
The IWC is abuzz of Jack Swagger's inability to maintain and get thrown into the Mississippi slammer for a DUI and speeding. Due to the fact that Swagger had selfishly knocked out five other competitors at the Elimination Chamber and is foolishly booked for possession of marijuana, I had a feeling that somewhere along the line, Swagger was not championship material. WWE company policy states several components in regards to Swagger's situation. Based on a first offense and being tested for marijuana, Swagger will be fined $2,500 and suspended for thirty days.

From WWE Corporate's website:
In the event of any positive test for marijuana, the WWE Talent shall be fined Two Thousand Five Hundred US Dollars ($2,500.00) per positive test, which shall be deducted from the WWE Talent's downside guarantee.
WWE Corporate Company Abuse Policy

However, Swagger was not tested for it--he was arrested and booked in the Mississipi jail. WWE has a much more strict policy when it comes to superstar law-breaking.

From WWE Corporate website:

Any WWE Talent, who is arrested, convicted or who admits to a violation of law relating to use, possession, purchase, sale or distribution of drugs will be in material breach of his/her contract with WWE and subject to immediate dismissal.
In addition to the penalties that may be imposed pursuant to his/her contract with WWE, a violation of this Section 14 may also be treated as a positive test for drugs prohibited by this Policy and therefore, subject to the penalties set forth in Section 15 of this Policy.
WWE Corporate Company Abuse Policy

Will Swagger still walk into Wrestlemania 29
as the #1 Contender?
This right here can affect an entire outcome of not only Swagger's 45 day future, but the future of everyone connected to the World Heavyweight Championship, Wrestlemania 29, and the WWE. The question is posed, the gauntlet thrown; what does the WWE do from here? It doesn't look too good for Swagger's future, as he isn't a big name like Cena, Undertaker, or Orton (who has walked back into the WWE with five known suspensions). If the WWE allows Swagger to walk into Wrestlemania as planned, the Wellness Policy has no merits. The only other case that I can compare this to would be Rob Van Dam's arrest conviction back in 2006, and R-Truth's suspension in 2011. RVD would lose both the WWE and ECW champions, the alliance with Paul Heyman, and suspended for 30 days. R-Truth's suspension was delayed until after Survivor Series. Swagger doesn't have the World title, and if he did, it would complicate things even more. With this said, Swagger will most likely be thrown in a quickie storyline where he places his contendership on the line (similar to Punk/Cena for this upcoming Monday) and lose it to Orton or one of the other Elimination Chamber participants as a form of punishment, or be somehow taken off TV for a while to continue the storyline. That's my guess.

Or, just flat out hand him his pink slip.

This poses a number of questions for me on my end of analyzing this predicament. Many superstars throughout history are faced with a sudden lapse of judgment, but (almost) immediately bounce back and get right back into the title picture after their suspension. Even beyond Wrestlemania, will WWE maintain their composure and allow Swagger to bounce back into the title picture? Other stars such as Orton, Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam, and even Rey Mysterio were thrust immediately into title pictures coming back from suspensions, so would this honestly take the same pattern? The Wellness Policy violation reprocussions aren't as cutthroat as they should be; it devalues title runs and forces good employees to take a back seat in the thick of things. But... it seems that whatever is good for business will stay that way. I don't think that Swagger is good for business.

Listen to Rowdy Roddy Piper! Just say NO!
Courtesy of Google Search "WWE Wellness Policy"

Just say no to drugs, kids!

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