Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Elimination Chamber Breakdown

Elimination Chamber Breakdown

WWE Championship -- The Rock (C) VS CM Punk

The Rock (C) VS CM Punk
Courtesy of WWE
With the Elimination Chamber less than a week away, the WWE has the PPV card built, and of course there will be a little bit of tweaks from now 'til Sunday. The Rock will put his title on the line in a rematch against CM Punk (and a smiling Paul Heyman in his corner) with the edge running against the eight-time WWE champion. If The Rock is counted out, or disqualified, he will lose the belt, going against typical one-fall rules, of course. With Heyman instilling this rule to Vickie Guererro (and on speakerphone, Vince McMahon), this will most definitely be put into play, most likely keeping The Rock within the means of countout. I believe that this will mirror the "screw-job" Punk and Heyman have been mouthing off about, to ensure that the Rock does not walk into Wrestlemania. Unfortunately, it is slated in the cards (and most likely in the Rock's contract) that Punk will lose and the Rock will headline Wrestlemania with John Cena for a second time.

TWS Prediction: The Rock defeats CM Punk with the Rock Bottom.

Diva's Championship -- Kaitlyn (C) VS Tamina

Kaitlyn (C) VS Tamina
Courtesy of WWE
Even though much thought shouldn't go into this particular match-up, and I try to give every match some credibility, but I cannot see this championship match, or any match-up in the future, any where near the caliber of Diva's/Women's wrestling as it was in the early 2000's with Trish Stratus, Lita, Victoria, and Jacqueline  These women could have been legitimate cross-over Intercontinental champions, and that's what I would like to see with today's women wrestlers; to make a legitmate "Diva", package them as tough women, but equally sexy, who could possibly take out a male cruiserweight. But I digress; this isn't about the legitimacy of the Diva's Championship--it is about the match between Kaitlyn and Tamina. Honestly, I will most likely be using the restroom with this in mind, as there is zero drawing potential. Put the title on Natalya, bring Eddie Guerrero's daughter in and team her with Vickie, and make this division a serious one.

TWS Prediction: No interest in this whatsoever, but Kaitlyn should walk away the winner in this one.

World Heavyweight Championship -- Alberto Del Rio (C) VS Big Show

Alberto Del Rio (C) VS Big Show
Courtesy of WWE
This feud has cultivated for some time between both these gentlemen, putting on such biblical proportions such as David VS Goliath. This also brings to mind the juvenile antics of the late Eddie Guerrero on, surprisingly enough, the Big Show back in 2003, but with a little more class, so to speak. However, after Elimination Chamber, this feud should be put to rest, so ADR can focus on his match at Wrestlemania. I don't think the WWE will put the strap back on Big Show as from what I see, they're going a different way for a transitional champion for the World Heavyweight title. Alberto Del Rio will go on to headline Wrestlemania, but I foresee he will drop it at the Grandest Stage of Them All. Of course, I can also be very wrong. But if Wrestling 101 has taught me anything, it's all a matter of predictability.

TWS Prediction: Alberto Del Rio defeats Big Show with the help of Ricardo Rodriguez.

Unites States Championship -- Antonio Cesaro (C) VS The Miz

Antonio Cesaro VS The Miz
Courtesy of WWE
Ric Flair has to be involved in this in some capacity. The Miz has begun to open up his play book to using many of Flair's arsenal, taking the Nature Boy's very own Figure-4 and using it in his repertoire of moves. A rub from Flair will assist Miz in his poor face turn, and might help him establish himself outside of his whiny endeavors to succeed as a good guy. Although the WWE has tried to have Miz work Cesaro before for the US Championship, I don't think the Miz is the American that will take the title from him. If Flair is involved, then that may turn into a possibility.

TWS Prediction: I'm feeling Antonio Cesaro retains. 

The Shield VS John Cena/Ryback/Sheamus

The Shield VS John Cena, Ryback, and Sheamus
Courtesy of WWE
Does the Shield make a legitimate stand, pull off a win, and prove to the WWE Universe that these young gentlemen can fight off the best of the best? The Shield has been hyped up for a while now, and with this being their second official match-up... what will we see? As Cena and Sheamus don't have anything to do until Wrestlemania (well, Cena anyway), they have been thrusted into this storyline to which The Shield claims Cena is the "injustice" in the WWE that they are trying to correct. What I don't understand is, why the other attacks on other superstars, such as Orton, Ryback, and Sheamus? If Cena is the problem, the "injustice", then all of the other superstars have no place in the attacks. The Shield should have named certain wrestlers and stated their injustices, or just kept their intentions hidden.

In any event, to protect Cena and make sure that he doesn't get hurt on his Road to Wrestlemania, I see The Shield putting Sheamus on the shelf for the time being (as he has nothing in the events up until Wrestlemania), Ryback will move on with the Shield in some capacity, and Cena going to Wrestlemania relatively unscathed. Much chaos will ensue, but the Shield will walk away with their arms raised.

TWS Prediction: The Shield pulls off a major upset.

Elimination Chamber Match for the #1 Contender Spot for the
World Heavyweight Championship
Courtesy of WWE
Elimination Chamber Match: #1 Contender for the WHC -- Randy Orton VS Daniel Dryan VS Kane VS Chris Jericho VS Mark Henry VS Jack Swagger

THIS is the match I am interested in seeing, and how it will play out. With so many new elements put into play into the Wold Title picture, I hope that this match steals the show at Elimination Chamber. Why? There are so many elements brewing in one kettle that can make this and the aftermath of the World Heavyweight Championship going into Wrestlemania so compelling that SmackDown may be a show I look forward to tune in to.

Daniel Bryan and Kane
As current Tag team champions, both Kane and Daniel Bryan will go against each other in the Elimination Chamber. Not favorites to win the match, both members of Team Hell No have had their quarrels recently, and may continue to do so within the chain walls of the Elimination Chamber. Yet, they have held the titles for some time (a little under five months), therefore, they may happen to team up and eliminate other competitors that serve a bigger threat, and ultimately eliminate one or the other (I see Bryan taking the opportunity to putting away Kane in some sneaky capacity). This is one element that may serve a higher purpose and a bit of intrigue to see what happens between the two. Dissension or unity? Either way, I highly doubt either man will walk away the winner, as I see a potential break up of an odd pairing.

Chris Jericho
Recently returning and doing a spectacular job at the Royal Rumble, Jericho has been on a successful run this time around unlike last time with Dolph Ziggler, and my money is on Jericho winning the Elimination Chamber. His experience is unrivaled and unparalleled with seven appearances, and ten eliminations in the chamber. Came really close to winning the Rumble; why not give him the opportunity once again to run for the gold... for about five minutes? Wait... five minutes?! Simple... I foresee Jericho winning again at Wrestlemania just to have Ziggler cash in his chance and defeat Jericho at Wrestlemania, setting up another storyline for Jericho to work, and send him out gracefully, passing the torch the correct way. Although I wouldn't mind seeing Jericho take one last run with the WHC winning at Wrestlemania and Ziggler cashing in, losing, and winning the belt legitimately at Extreme Rules or a future PPV.

Jack Swagger
A man that has absolutely no business in this match. I say this because he should have been connected to the United States Championship feud that the Miz is involved in with Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro has been running his mouth claiming that "no American" has been able to defeat him. The All-American American, Jack Swagger, could be the potential American who could have done so, with a perfectly placed face turn-slash-Kurt Angle rip. Again, I'm getting off topic here. Swagger's intentions are ill-fitting, and he won't make it past the third elimination.

Mark Henry
A little of a wild card here, Henry has returned to bring pain. I really can't say that he will be successful, but that does happen to depend on his chances on what time he enters the match. I haven't seen Henry carry a long-winded match in a long time, but a clean win over Randy Orton this past Monday shows that maybe Vince and Creative are willing to put the strap on Henry again, and keep him as an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. I'm unsure of the outcome with Henry in it, but I'm pretty sure that he will get one or two eliminations before he is through. Mark Henry is a toss-up.

Randy Orton
The Viper is stuck between jobs, so-to-speak. Orton hasn't had a legitimate feud (outside of random matches and attacks from the Shield) for quite some time. Placing him in this match without any build-up may be cost-effective for Orton and the WWE. Then again, it may be enough to start a feud with Alberto Del Rio and turn Orton heel in the process. Dirt sheets stated that the WWE was hinting at a possible World Title Match between Orton and Sheamus at Wrestlemania, but with Sheamus busy with the Shield, and ADR still with his paws on the belt, it seems very unlikely. Another toss-up, but much less favorable than Mark Henry walking out of the EC with the title.

TWS Prediction: Many elements, but Chris Jericho or Mark Henry takes the contender's spot.

All in all, this PPV card for the Elimination Chamber looks promising as the go-home pay-per-view for Wrestlemania. With the common element of the Undertaker still missing, along with one or two major focus points, there is some time to build for WWE's twenty-ninth spectacular. Let's hope the Elimination Chamber does not disappoint!

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