Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Elimination Chamber/RAW Aftermath

Forty eight days left until Wrestlemania 29, and things are starting to heat up. With Elimination Chamber behind us, this will be the last stretch between the Chamber, and Wrestlemania. With that in mind, what is the current major buzz in the WWE?

Jack Swagger claims the #1 Contender's Spot for the World Heavyweight Championship

The Elimination Chamber match for this one really blew me away, along with many, many other bloggers and fans throughout the WWE Universe. Guaranteed, Jack Swagger was not the favorite (or even the underdog) to win this match, considering the last high profile match we saw him in the ring, he lost to US Champ Santino Marella. Apparently the WWE wants to give Swagger the push toward the World Heavyweight Title and give him a Wrestlemania moment by facing Del Rio. Face ADR versus Heel Swagger... it works. However, in my mind, there is this nagging little piece in the back of my mind that sits there and goes, "Hey, what about me?"

I'm talking about Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler, with the absolutely beautiful distraction in the five-foot-two form of AJ Lee and the large-as-life Big E Langston; might be a wild card in this equation. Ziggler nearly walked into Wrestlemania AS the World Heavyweight Champion last night as Langston dismantled Alberto Del Rio and attempted to cash in his briefcase. If the next upcoming PPV was any OTHER PPV than Wrestlemania, I would rule out Ziggler. But... it IS Wrestlemania, after all. To steal the show, so to speak, I want to believe that within the next few weeks or even at Wrestlemania, Ziggles will cash in.

Back to Swagger. With the addition of Zeb Coulter flanking him as the patriotic mouth-piece, I would hope that Swagger doesn't fall flat in his chase for the WHC at Wrestlemania. I just don't see any sort of credibility on Swagger to carry the World Title. If my memory serves me correctly, Swagger hasn't won a single's match for over a year. From what I believe, is the WWE really going to let a superstar with a one year losing streak a chance at the title? But again, they let a Hollywood actor gone from wrestling for ten years walk in and become WWE Champion. Go figure.

If the WWE has faith in him, let's just hope that he doesn't drop the ball.

Cena puts up or moves out of the way

The WWE has given John Cena many opportunities this year to afford an opportunity for the WWE Championship. He cashed in the RAW Money in the Bank contract and lost a legitimate bout between him and CM Punk; was defeated by CM Punk at Night of Champions; was defeated AGAIN by Punk at Survivor Series; and now became the Royal Rumble winner for the second time to headline Wrestlemania for another chance at the WWE Championship. Four chances, one year. We understand that he is SuperCena, but year after year we have Cena shoved down our throats like vegetables we need to eat before we get to the dessert. Following twenty-fours hours removed from Elimination Chamber, CM Punk has goaded Cena into giving up his Royal Rumble spot in Wrestlemania in a Winner Take All match next week. If Cena wins, he finally has Punk put foot-to-mouth and shuts down his winning streak. Punk wins, well, he goes to Wrestlemania. SuperCena will prevail, and still headline Wrestlemania with the Rock. Why would the WWE throw a curve ball or a wrench in the gears? To take the IWC off of the horse and say, "Erhmahgerd! Punk may win!" Highly doubt it. I was going to doubt Rock was going to win at Wrestlemania until he debuted the new championship belt (which I will get to in a moment). Cena supposedly is going for the win with Rock VS Cena II to even the score, but with the new title on the Rock's shoulder, I have mixed feelings about the Mania match. At this point, it can go either way. But I will be extremely surprised if Punk retains his winning streak against Cena intact this coming Monday.

The WWE Championship

After eight long years since John Cena debuted the "Spinning Shipwreck" of a championship (courtesy of Edge himself), The Rock brings out a redesigned championship. It has been long overdue, and I am glad for the change. As he said himself, The Rock will not go to Wrestlemania with a toy; a prestigious trophy that spins. But, I will say that when The Rock claims that a championship should honor past champions and inspire future champions, his statement is misplaced to say the least. The new WWE Title is a fresh change, but the WWE Championship looks like a Hollywood marquee from the El Capitan Theatre. I do happen to agree with the Rock when he states "inspiring and honoring", but the current title doesn't inspire me, nor do I feel like it honors past champions. Another thing that bothers me is the lack of a nameplate. Obviously, you don't need a name plate to distinguish who is the WWE Champion, but one could just get a replica, and "be" the champion with the old school yard rule, "It doesn't have your name on it!!"

But with everything said, I am appreciative that the WWE put the spinner belt in the vault, and we are looking at a new WWE title. For the future generation of the WWE.

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