Saturday, February 9, 2013

Does the Deadman Arise for Wrestlemania?

The Undertaker
Courtesy of WWE

For a couple of months now, this has been the question posed among many fans and WWE personnel alike--Does The Undertaker make an appearance at Wrestlemania to defend the streak? The Undertaker is the oldest "active" (and I use that term loosely) wrestler on the WWE roster at 47, following Kane at 45. One may say that, "Well, Kane is very active for being 45 and he can definitely make it to Wrestlemania", but there are a lot of differences between both wrestlers' timeline in the WWE. The Undertaker has been in high profile matches, some very hazardous in his career (multiple Hell in a Cell matches, Last Rides, Caskets, etcetera). The Undertaker also began his career in 1984, eight years before Kane stepped foot into the squared circle, and was already main-eventing Wrestlemanias and holding World Championships before Kane made his debut. More so, Kane has allowed Daniel Bryan carry a ton of weight in tag matches to ease aging aches and pains. But this article isn't meant to dwell on the Undertaker's past; it is about the present, and ultimately, the future of the Dead Man.

Will the Undertaker make it this year to Wrestlemania 29?
Only he knows the answer to that.
Courtesy of the WWE
Triple H, Chief Operating Officer of the WWE and part-timer extraordinaire  stated that the WWE Universe has not seen the last of the Undertaker. This was a broad and general statement leaving many possibilities and outcomes open for interpretation. In what capacity will we see the Undertaker return? In a wheelchair? Joking aside, possible opponents thrown Undertaker's way have been Ryback, CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, and Triple H (repeat). Ultimately, the decision to face which wrestler is decided by Taker himself, and more importantly, will this wrestler end the streak? Will the streak even be put on the line at this Wrestlemania? And will this wrestler chosen be pushed into the stars and be revered as a legend or a fraud that the IWC will absolutely despise and tune out? Honestly, I don't think the WWE really cares what the IWC thinks, but they are interested in preserving the Undertaker's legacy and keep him around on a Legend's Contract with the best of intentions and keep him out of TNA territory. There has been several ideas as there are doubts of Undertaker's healthy return of having a tag-team match and allow Taker to keep his streak intact; keeping the streak alive by not bringing it into Wrestlemania as a contention; or having him avoid Wrestlemania altogether. It has been nearly thirteen years that the Dead Man has has a Wrestlemania off, since Wrestlemania 2000 (17), and it may be well deserved. On top of that, there hasn't been a build for any type of feud with the Undertaker, and it would be slightly rushed to start a feud with a superstar two months away from April 7th, and even so right after Elimination Chamber. If this is Taker's last ride (no pun intended), it should be big. Monumental. It should tell a story on the (possible) downfall of the Dead Man and pass the torch to a young superstar the correct way and not have it handed off to some main-eventer who is already established.

Mark Callaway, as the Undertaker outside the world of wrestling entertainment, has a healthy life from the ring. Married to former WWE Diva Michelle McCool with a baby girl, he is a real estate investor with business partner Scott Everhart. Taker is well established and with one or two years left in him within the business, Undertaker could retire very comfortably after a handsome payday from Vince and Wrestlemania. But again, the main question is; will he show? Rumor has it, he is training for the big one, but that is another vague statement. I believe that Taker should rest one more year to Wrestlemania 30, and take a Lesnar-esque schedule and pick one wrestler to start a feud with, and run with it all year, psycho-analyzing this rookie and and mentally picking him apart, piece by piece, until the big one where the young defeats the old.

I'm thinking Ziggy.

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