Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Lack of Execution With Minor Redemption

Wrestlemania XXIX
Courtesy of WWE.com

Wrestlemania XXIX, in my opinion, was a failure and a disappointment, and I'll defend my opinion.

Wrestlemania, on a grand scale, has been hyped ever since its inception back in 1985 as the World Series of Wrestling; the Super Bowl of WWE Superstars; the Stanley Cup of its genre. This is where the WWE goes all out at the peak of visuals, storylines, character development, the whole enchilada. Wrestlemania XXIX fell far short of all these things that Wrestlemania is truly about; ending on a high note. This PPV, was in comparison, the caliber of Unforgiven, Survivor Series, or Extreme Rules. Something you would expect in the middle of the year. And a lot of this is based solely on character development and execution. I was watching an interview with Trish Stratus yesterday before the big event, and she mentioned something along the lines that character development was lacking. How true was that?! When was the last time we had a new character that the audience could actually get behind and root for, or boo because of the story behind him/her, and the feuds made sense? John Cena is a perfect example of character development that had begun, but now falls flat because no one took the time to continue to work on his character. He was the "Doctor of Thuganomics"; now he is "SuperCena", able to win all odds, because "he can." Why? How does Cena win so much? Because he is passionate about the business? Because not one wrestler in the locker room can find their stash of Kryptonite and weaken him? All bad elements around such a workhorse.

Cena was booed practically out of MetLife Stadium. I can understand that he is a Boston Boy in Jersey/New York, and the Yanks hate Boston because of the Bambino Curse (and vice versa), but that wasn't the issue at hand; NOBODY in that arena wanted Cena to face the Rock AGAIN, and NOBODY in that arena wanted Cena to walk out of MetLife Stadium the WWE Champion. But everyone knew that. Everyone knew that Cena was going to get his redemption, and he did. Royal Rumble was a joke once Cena won.

Many are also saying that the Rock passed the torch, as Hogan did with the Rock at Wrestlemania 18 and making comparisons to that match. There is NO COMPARISON to that!! Take a look below at the footage of Wrestlemania 18.

Hogan and the Rock BLEW THE ROOF off of the SkyDome. In Toronto of all places! The fans were absolutely nuts about it. Last night was a slumberfest. Nobody cared. That was the sad part. No development. Horrible execution. NO INTENSITY. The Rock took his loss. And now, with a lingering injury, there are reports that the Rock left and went back to Los Angeles. Anyone who paid attention saw that he wasn't very happy with the ending, even with working through the pain. And honestly, I don't think the injury is legitimate. I think the Rock just wants to go home.

I don't blame him. The Rock should have retained, Cena should have made the heel turn (and not a ridiculous spin on his heel), and much of the IWC would be content. Passing the torch at that point in time was unnecessary. Cena would have stayed with the company, heel turn or not. And the Rock is STILL the #1 contender! Imagine that. I foresee a blown opportunity here.

The Undertaker/CM Punk match was another disappointment. Whatever happened to the anger and hatred that CM Punk had from the Undertaker going into the match? Whatever happened to the fuel to the fire? Did it just lose steam and the two superstars just were attempting to put on a show? About two minutes into the match, I lost sight on why CM Punk and Taker were going at it, and I needed to remind myself why this match was taking place. There should have been some sort of reminder (outside of using the urn as a weapon) from Punk, or Heyman, that could anger Taker.

Courtesy of WWE.com
I am glad the Streak lives on, but Mark Callaway looked painful to watch in the ring. He's not my idea of what I remember as the unstoppable Undertaker any longer. Are we to believe now that Taker will continue to lace up the boots and "defeat" other potential opponents every year? It's just not the same. And with a rumor that Cena will be the potential usurper to Taker's streak, how much more will the WWE fill Cena with bogus wins? Is he honestly going to be the new Hogan? And if that is going to be the case... TURN HIM HEEL. Cena needs to have a bad guy persona, a character development on the other side of the spectrum.

Going back to CM Punk, if it was going to be someone to end the streak, it should have been him. Punk or Dolph Ziggler. I can't see any other two superstars that will get a bigger boost from the win. But at this point, let the streak go undefeated. And my hat goes off to Paul Heyman. He has been phenomenal and working with two gentlemen up until Wrestlemania. I really hope that Vince or Triple H keeps Paul around for booking, and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. Unfortunately, both CM Punk and Brock Lesnar lost (and I will get to that point in a minute), yet Heyman's amazing ability to get CM Punk and Lesnar working is awesome. CM Punk and the Undertaker had an outstanding match, for the conditions that were there. The Undertaker needs to pass his own torch to a young guy who could legitimately beat the streak.

"I'm watching you, HBK."
Courtesy of WWE.com
Lastly (as I believe no other match on the card really deserves any attention), the Triple H/Lesnar match was downright boring, until Shawn Michaels got involved. The look Brock gave Shawn was priceless after a failed superkick. "Oh, I'm gonna f**k you up now, cowboy!" After that, the match redeemed itself somewhat. Again, it wasn't captivating enough to hold my attention. but it was pretty solid up until the end. The ending itself... Brock should have won. At least ONE of Heyman's clients should have walked out the winner. If not CM Punk (as his odds were stacked against him), Lesnar should have been the dominating superstar, and let Triple H go back into the recesses of the corporate agenda. Brock would still be around. Triple H could come back as a General Manager, and the world keeps on spinning.

Considering that Wrestlemania was headlined by FOUR part timers, three of which are the top matches on the card, WWE Creative needs to revamp the roster, and do what I have been stating at the beginning of the article; CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! If it doesn't happen now, the WWE will lose more and more steam going to each event, until the product becomes stale.

Stay tuned; my RAW review is coming up next!


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