Monday, January 27, 2014

A Rumble Disaster

The WWE screwed up last night at the Rumble. Big time.

Without the inclusion of Daniel Bryan, THE hottest superstar in the WWE right now, the boos were deafening throughout the arena.

The Universe was awaiting the YES chant, but were forced to chant NO.

And, as Daniel Bryan makes stake to it, the Machine kept him away, once again. No one cares about John Cena and Randy Orton. It's been done way too many times. Nobody cared when Rey Mysterio came out as entry #30. He was emphatically greeted with heat as he came out, and you could even tell he was more than shocked to hear boos instead of "booyakas".

And nobody cared when Batista became the winner of the Royal Rumble. The immense frustration of the crowd (along with several former superstars) distracted from the Rumble. The announcers wer
e distracted; you could even hear it in Jerry Lawler's voice. Sheamus and his surprise entry was blown. And Batista's big return, lackluster as is was on Monday, was blown clear out of the water Sunday. He even was found swearing flipping off the Pittsburgh crowd, and even mocking the YES chants as he removed himself from the ring.

Does the WWE even care about what the Universe wants?

Of course not.

Because even if you claim you will never watch WWE programming again, there are only a handful that will adhere to it and go watch the abysmal programming of Dixie Carter permanently.

And I guarantee that you'll tune in tonight to see what happens with Daniel Bryan. Does the WWE turn a 180 and change things up to suit what the viewer wants? What if this is just pure marketing strategy to shake things up within our homes?

Vinnie Mac has always been a sh*t stirrer.

And could you even imagine Batista's rage when he reached the Gorilla Position? Not the ideal setting of what he was looking for. Honestly, with his returning storyline limping into the barn, WWE should have made him a surprise entrant into the Rumble at the same time Del Rio was in the ring and fought because of the "Twitter War."

All in all, it was a horrible PPV. Worst I've seen in years. And if this is any indication on how the Road to Wrestlemania will end, I think the WWE needs to fire a few writers. And I'm glad that a Diva's match wasn't on the card, but thinking back on it, an AJ Lee match would have been better received than what had transpired.

Usually a winner is an ecstatic one after the PPV, but in this case, Batista was visibly upset.

On a lighter note, the Big Show/Lesnar match was pretty spot on. Just as he's been written, Brock Lesnar needed to showcase being a rough and tumble monster. He took a WMD from a giant like a champ, and delivered an F5! And he should! The past year or two, Lesnar has taken Pedigrees, Attitude Adjustments, and GTS' and still came back for more after the match. The Beast Incarnate. And this leaves an impression burned into everyone's mind that Lesnar has a legitimate chance to shatter the Undertaker's streak.

Further, three superstars emerged as huge topics on interest. Bryan for one. Bray Wyatt for taking out John Cena with Sister Abigail, and Roman Reigns.

I've been saying this for some time. This born-and-raised Anoa'i, along with several of his distant relatives like the Rock, Rikishi, Umaga, Yokuzuna, and the Wild Samoans, will become the next break-out star. He's got the look, the drive, and more importantly, the lineage. And with being second place (although second place isn't a winner), Reigns stood out and stood out strong with breaking records in his first ever Rumble appearance. I was impressed, especially with him going toe-to-toe with Batista. Spear for spear. I wouldn't be hard-pressed to see Reigns win a Money In the Bank contract or a number one contender's match in the near future.

But no matter what anyone says after the Rumble, I will be tuning in tonight. I'm a mark. I'm a fan, and I'm not going to let one PPV screw my views on what continues to entertain me on a weekly basis. Yes, I am disappointed, but there have been many other PPVs that have disappointed me all the same.

Just stick to what you know. Watch the product.

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