Thursday, March 14, 2013

DUI Insanity

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein 

Let me rattle off a list of wrestlers here (don't mind the duplicates);

Jim Duggan
Iron Sheik
Grandmaster Sexay
Eddie Guerrero
Alex Riley
Buff Bagwell
Chris Jericho
Gregory Helms
Christopher Daniels
Eddie Guerrero
Jeff Hardy
Jimmy Uso
Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle
Marty Jannetty
Matt Hardy
Lex Luger
Santino Marella
Scott Hall
Ted DiBiase Jr.
Jack Swagger
Jimmy Uso

Jack Swagger's Mug Shot
This is just a mere handful of WWE Superstars that have been busted for driving under the influence. Recently, we have had DUI stamped across the forehead of Jack Swagger and Jimmy Uso, whose arrest has been his second for DUIs. There is a bigger list of wrestlers that have other charges attached to their criminal record, but I'm just going to focus on the DUI's for right now, as this has become a major problem in the WWE with no public ramifications  As a wrestling community, we were all awaiting the gavel to be dropped down on the head of Swagger after his arrest with marijuana. But, nothing has happened. Then, Jimmy Uso is recently arrested with a DUI. Did he honestly think that he could get away with it in the WWE like Swagger did with little to no punishment?

Quite possibly. Without being upper management in the WWE, the IWC never had an idea of any major punishment to Swagger. He is even getting a PUSH into the main event picture with Dutch Mantel and Alberto Del Rio. Jimmy Uso might just have had the crazy idea to think, "Well, Swagger is getting a main event push. Maybe I'll get the chance to get some star exposure if I'm caught doing something reckless!" This can't be the thinking behind every superstar because another is getting away with such an action. I don't condone the fairness of doing something in the real world illegally and being praised for such actions. Honestly, I don't see Swagger and Zeb Coulter getting over much with the fans on a poorly executed storyline. It works... if executed right. If and when all the pieces of the puzzle fit, the storyline can be great. If the US Title was on Swagger, and he was going for the World Title, Creative would have more steam going into this. But Swagger wasn't punished.

Why the WWE doesn't employ the creative fan like me, I don't know.

Jimmy Uso Mug Shot
Now, we have Jimmy Uso. When will the WWE start cracking down on the negligent superstar? Of course, I see a hailstorm of issues coming to rain down on the head of the this Uso brother. But, where is the fairness? Jimmy Uso, if terminated/suspended/fined/etctera, will no doubt claim that the penalty is unfair because of the situation with Swagger. Then what will happen? Will this be a benchmark of what is considered fair in the WWE? If this is the case, I can see many superstars go out, get themselves arrested, be handed their pink slip, lose their title, or TV time, and cry out, "Well, Swagger got away with it!" Understandably, there have been numerous superstars (see above list) that have either been released, repackaged, or whatnot because of their idiocracy and dabble in the drug influences, and have been only given a slap on the wrist. But there isn't any consistency. It's like punishing a child for getting an "C" in school, and taking his brother to Chuck E. Cheese's for getting a "D".

WWE's Corporate Policy states the following (truncated for importance):

"Any WWE Talent, who is arrested, convicted or who admits to a violation of law relating to use, possession, purchase, sale or distribution of drugs will be in material breach of his/her contract with WWE and subject to immediate dismissal. 
In addition to the penalties that may be imposed pursuant to his/her contract with WWE, a violation of this Section may also be treated as a positive test for drugs prohibited by this Policy and therefore, subject to the penalties set forth in Section 15 of this Policy." 
"If a specimen of a WWE Talent tests positive for a prohibited substance... the Program Administrator will advise that he/she is suspended (or as the case may be terminated) in accordance with the provisions of the Policy. The PA then advises WWE of the matter and WWE informs the PA of the applicable suspension dates or termination date."

This, right here, should be mandatory for all WWE personnel, and be practiced with consistency. This way, if you screw up and get arrested, you get put on notice, you get put on with negative media, and is given a suspension or termination paperwork. Otherwise, the WWE will be run a muck with drunken and drugged up superstars with no remorse. The Wellness Policy was put into place for a reason; the WWE initiated the program to better assist talent and to prevent accidents or even death. They did this for Eddie Guerrero; the Wellness Policy saved MVP's life with a routine check; this has benefited the entire WWE. Now, the WWE seems to turn a blind eye as of late. Is this possibly because Linda McMahon isn't running for politics anymore that the WWE is slowing down their inspections?

In account of fairness, both Swagger and Jimmy Uso need to be held accountable and be used as a demonstration of getting back into the corporate spill of things. Otherwise, the WWE may be held accountable for another death.

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